Running Foot Strike

Is a Heel Strike a Proper Running Form? NO!

08/12/2024 Bretta Riches 2

There is a right and wrong foot strike pattern. Heel strike running was found to be at the core of the high impact generation responsible for most major injuries, like long bone injuries as compared with forefoot running. This is because landing forefoot-first when running naturally sets in motion a safely positioned shin, knee and upper body angles that leads to silencing major impacts forces and other physical stressors linked to all kinds of injuries.

Is Forefoot Running Really Faster than Heel Strike Running?

Is Forefoot Running Really Faster Than Heel Striking? YES!

05/10/2024 Bretta Riches 1

Forefoot running promotes energy efficiency by making all of the elastic structures in the lower leg do a better job at storing and releasing energy-saving elastic power. This was found to greatly improve running economy by dramatically reducing energy-expensive muscle costs as compared with heel strike running, which not only fully impedes the elastic properties of the arch and Achilles, it also damages these structures in a continuous way.

Running Without Shoes on Hard Surfaces: Good or Bad?

Running Without Shoes on Pavement: Good or Bad?

21/09/2024 Bretta Riches 1

Research shows if you run barefoot on harder surfaces, the only way it can be done most safely is if a forefoot strike is used, not heel strike. Because forefoot running eliminates the burst in collisional impact, reduces high brake forces while reducing all-around impact forces, allows anyone who runs barefoot to run safely on the hardest of surfaces.

Does Running on Your Heels Hurt Your Knees?

Does Running Damage The Knees? YES, But ONLY if You Heel Strike!

20/09/2024 Bretta Riches 0

The only way to reassuringly protect your knees long-term from running is not with thicker cushioned running shoes, or a knee brace, but with paying close attention to where you land on your foot when you run. You must avoid heel strike at all costs because this landing style engages other mechanics that inflict higher net-forces on the knee. Instead, you need to land on your forefoot because it has been proven to the most good at sustainable reducing and preventing the impact variables and mechanics responsible for destroying the knee-joint.

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