Why Minimalist Shoes Are Better for Your Ankles

How Should Your Posture Be When Running?

09/10/2024 Bretta Riches 1

Leaning slightly forward when running proved more effective at engaging better leg swing control that prevents an over-stride, and results in significantly less impact at the knee, while providing more economical benefits, too, as compared with running too upright with your torso.

Does Running on Your Heels Hurt Your Knees?

Does Running Damage The Knees? YES, But ONLY if You Heel Strike!

20/09/2024 Bretta Riches 0

The only way to reassuringly protect your knees long-term from running is not with thicker cushioned running shoes, or a knee brace, but with paying close attention to where you land on your foot when you run. You must avoid heel strike at all costs because this landing style engages other mechanics that inflict higher net-forces on the knee. Instead, you need to land on your forefoot because it has been proven to the most good at sustainable reducing and preventing the impact variables and mechanics responsible for destroying the knee-joint.

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Is Cushioning Good or Bad for Running?

30/05/2024 Bretta Riches 0

Contrary to popular belief, more cushioning, especially under the heel, in a running shoe was alarmingly found to increase joint loading on the hips, knees and ankles to the degree of enabling arthritic conditions to potentially develop as compared to runners who run barefoot or in barefoot-type footwear.

Knee Overuse Injury

Why Heel Strike Running Destroys Your Knees, Despite Wearing Thick Cushioned Running Shoes and a Knee Brace!

24/03/2024 Bretta Riches 3

Unlike forefoot running, the knee is most severely impacted in heel strike running because landing heel-first was found to cause the knee to automatically lock at landing, which not only contributed to an over-extended stride tied to longer, more intensive braking, it also caused the leg to lose its shock absorbing capability, resulting in greater-than-normal all-around impact levels.

What Running Style is Best for Your Knees?

What Running Style is Best for Your Knees?

14/03/2024 Bretta Riches 6

The best way to maintain healthy knees when running is to avoid heel strike running because it always accompanies a hyper-extended knee, an overly long stride and unusually long braking with the ground, which CANNOT be improved with a cushioned, motion control stability running shoe. The only proven method to protect your knees long-term is to land with a forefoot strike because it prevents hyper-knee extension at landing, an over-stride and a low cadence, all of which were consistently found to literally cure running-related knee pain and injury.

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