How to Run Properly

How to Run Properly

When it comes to running with proper form, one thing you don’t want to do is land heel-first (heel strike) and run too upright with your upper body posture. This is because both mechanical outputs were found to be an obstacle to sustained forward momentum. How so? Running too upright is a significant producer of drag and an excessive brake force duration period, which exposes you to increases in musculoskeletal loading and injury. Not to mention, it’s becoming increasingly evident in the research that running too upright and heel striking has failed to show any clear benefits in bringing measurable relief of shin or knee strain or improvements in running economy. Thus, running with an upright torso, coupled with heel striking, can be considered substantial mechanical impediments you need to avoid to lower energy costs and protect your legs, especially your knees vs implementing a forward lean plus a forefoot strike. Read more here about why running with a forefoot strike coupled with forward leaning may put you on a safer, more efficient path forward as compared with heel strike running!

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