What Are the Problems With Heel Striking?

What Are the Problems With Heel Striking?

Unlike forefoot running, the knee is most severely impacted in heel strike running because landing heel-first was found to cause the knee to automatically lock at landing, which not only contributed to an over-extended stride tied to longer, more intensive braking, it also caused the leg to lose its shock absorbing capability, resulting in greater-than-normal all-around impact levels. Read more here!


Bretta Riches

"I believe the forefoot strike is the engine of endurance running..."

BSc Neurobiology; MSc Biomechanics candidate, ultra minimalist runner & founder of RunForefoot. I was a heel striker, always injured. I was inspired by the great Tirunesh Dibaba to try forefoot running. Now, I'm injury free. This is why I launched Run Forefoot, to advocate the health & performance benefits of forefoot running and to raise awareness on the dangers of heel striking, because the world needs to know.
Bretta Riches