What Foot Strike Causes Shin Splints?

What Foot Strike Causes Shin Splints?

29/01/2024 Bretta Riches 0

Because of the high injury rates, many injured heel strike runners are looking to forefoot running because consistent with the research, forefoot running naturally engages additional mechanical outputs that do a better job at sustainably reducing net forces not just on the shins, but also the knees, hips and lower back than heel strike running.

Does Heel Striking Cause Shin Splints?

Does Heel Striking Cause Shin Splints?

02/07/2023 Bretta Riches 0

One reason heel striking causes shin splints is because landing heel-first prevents the ankles from absorbing impact by causing the ankle to be unusually stiff at heel strike. The ankle stiffness was found to amplify the ground reaction force on the shins as compared with forefoot running.

Heel Strike Running is the Main Cause of Shin Splints

Why Heel Strike Running is Bad for Shins

24/05/2020 Bretta Riches 0

One way to stop your shins from hurting when you run is to avoid landing with a heel strike and instead land with a forefoot strike. This is because forefoot running was found to have the biggest improvements in reduing opposing forces off the shins.

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