Why Heel Strike Running is Bad for Your Legs

Why Heel Strike Running is Bad for Your Legs

One of the many reasons heel strike running is bad for the lower leg is its the only running style that causes ‘chronic exertional compartment syndrome’, which causes chronic throbbing lower leg pain. This is because at heel strike, a burst in collisional impact is always produced that also always exceeds tolerance, and cushioned running shoes were found to be ineffective in dampening this impact. The burst in collisional impact was found to cause intramuscular pressure of the lower leg to rise to pain-inducing levels, but was fully resolved with forefoot running! Read more here!

Bretta Riches

"I believe the forefoot strike is the engine of endurance running..."

BSc Neurobiology; MSc Biomechanics candidate, ultra minimalist runner & founder of RunForefoot. I was a heel striker, always injured. I was inspired by the great Tirunesh Dibaba to try forefoot running. Now, I'm injury free. This is why I launched Run Forefoot, to advocate the health & performance benefits of forefoot running and to raise awareness on the dangers of heel striking, because the world needs to know.
Bretta Riches