More Good News About Barefoot Feeling Shoes

If there is one type of shoe that you should wear when learning forefoot running, it’s barefoot feeling shoes because you’ll be more economical. This is because barefoot feeling shoes feel harder on the soles of the feet as compared to regular running shoes which often feel overly soft and squishy whereby the feeling of softness often felt in most running shoes may hurt your performance. For example, a study by Kim et al. 2011 found that leg-spring was higher when runners landed on non-compliant (hard) surfaces compared to compliant (soft) surfaces.

Barefoot Feeling Shoes
To a new forefoot runner, they need to learn to use their own legs and feet as a spring. This includes wearing minimalist shoes that lack ‘springy’ and compressible foam materials. A good example of ‘harder’ feeling minimalist shoes are barefoot-stimulated running sandals.

More Good News About Barefoot Feeling Shoes

The standard running shoe is heavily cushioned thereby acting as a soft, compliant plantar surface during running. Likewise, many of these shoes are advertised as having soles that provide substantial ‘energy return’.

On the contrary however, leg-spring, which is the leg’s natural ability to store elastic energy –primarily in the foot arch and Achilles tendon — decreases on softer plantar surfaces. In fact, leg-spring capacity increases with surface hardness! This is why habitual barefoot runners and pure minimalist runners, who run on the road, have greater leg-spring capacity than habitual shod runners. From an anthropic viewpoint, barefoot running enabled us to be highly efficient runners regardless of surface hardness, and thus, enabled us to make better use of the elastic structure of our legs.

More Good News on Barefoot Feeling Running Shoes
Barefoot and pure minimalist runners run on the their forefoot whereby forefoot running manages to accumulate more leg-spring compared to heel strike running in the standard running shoe.

Leg-Spring Depends on Surface

The big picture is leg-spring capacity is directly related to running surfaces as well as biomechanics. Landing with a forefoot strike allows for greater energy storage in the lower leg. But, forefoot running on harder surfaces is even better at optimizing leg-spring function as compared with forefoot running on softer, squishy surfaces. Here’s why:

  • The body naturally adjusts leg-spring capacity in response to different surfaces while similar running mechanics are maintained.
  • These variables not only allow barefoot runners to escape the confines of injury, but maximizes leg-spring.

The problem with cushioned running shoes is that they reverse the kinematic adaptations induced by barefoot running. That is, knee flexion decreases and so does ankle plantar flexion. One explanation for this apparent paradox is that the plantar surface is perceived as comfortable in cushioned running shoes.

This is why increased knee flexion is not needed to provide additional comfort when running in cushy shoes, however it IS needed for better running economy! Remember: increased knee flexion = better leg-spring.

The Harder, the Better

Harder plantar surfaces such as running barefoot or in pure minimalist running shoes is responsible for regulating joint-flexion needed for better leg-spring and therefore energy return.

Until recently, the notion that barefoot running enhanced performance seemed absurd. Now, the relationship between barefoot running and leg-spring capacity is becoming more thoroughly studied.

The evidence is now very convincing, especially since the best runners in the world grew up running barefoot and evolved adaptations of better leg-spring capacity than runners of habitual shod populations.

More From Run Forefoot:


Ferris, D.P., Liang, K., Farley, C.T., 1999. Runners adjust leg stiffness for their first step on a new running surface. Journal of Biomechanics 32 (8), 787–794.

Ferris, D.P., Louie, M., Farley, C.T., 1998. Running in the real world: adjusting leg stiffness for different surfaces. Proceedings of the Biological Sciences 265 (1400), 989–994.

Kim et al. The natural frequency of the foot-surface cushion during the stance phase of running. J Biomech, 2011; 44:774-79.

Kim, W., Voloshin, A.S., Johnson, S.H., 1994. Modeling of heel strike transients during running. Human Movement Science 13, 221–244.

Robbins SE., Hanna AM and Jones, L. Sensory attenuation induced by modern athletic footwear. J Test Eval, 1988; 16:412-16.

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Run Forefoot Facebook Page, it's a terrific place to ask questions about forefoot running, barefoot running and injury. I'm always happy to help!

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