How Heel Strike Running Causes Chronic Injury

How Heel Strike Running Causes Chronic Injuries

15/01/2025 Bretta Riches 1

Heel strike running causes chronic injury because of the heel-to-toe rollover action of the foot that occurs after heel strike was found to produce the highest jolt, jarring, jerky, braking and loading forces that cannot be reducible by cushioned running shoes, but with forefoot running only.

Shin Injuries Higher in Heel Strike Running

Does Heel Striking Cause Injury to the Shin? YES!

06/01/2025 Bretta Riches 39

Heel strike running was found to be a big risk factor for shin splints and fracture by causing a functional loss of impact absorption in the knee, while causing too much force-intensive stop and go (i.e. too much intense braking) as compared with forefoot running, which was found to do a better job at improving knee flexion, thereby reducing dangerous loads to the shins.

How Heel Strike Running Causes ITBS vs Forefoot Running

How Heel Strike Running Causes ITBS vs Forefoot Running

01/01/2025 Bretta Riches 1

Heel strike running was proven to yet again cause another injury, ITBS, by causing the foot to wrestle too much with the ground during the heel-to-toe rollover action. This was found to transfer increases in bending and rotational stress from the foot to the IT band as compared with forefoot striking, which was found to have the most stabilizing effects on the foot-ankle complex throughout all phases of running gait.

More Reasons Its Bad to Heel Strike When Running

More Reasons Its Bad to Heel Strike When Running

19/12/2024 Bretta Riches 1

Heel strike running was found to trigger more abnormal stresses on the foot that transfers up the leg and pries into the knee, causing injury as compared with forefoot running, which was found to engage more precision coordination between the joints of the foot and leg, resulting in significantly less stress production across the body.

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