Peak Impact at Heel Strike Causes Tibia Bone Fracture

In running, a tibia bone fracture is often caused by repetitive impact shocks from excessive mechanical stress.

Numerous studies have confirmed that over-striding in heel strike running increases mechanical stress on the leg, resulting in a peak impact force exclusively produced at heel strike.

  • Heel Strike Running Increases Risk of Tibia Bone FractureThe peak impact force influences higher rates of repetitive impact shocks as compared to forefoot running.

Forefoot running is related to shorter stride-lengths which buffers mechanical stress on the lower limb.

Peak Impact at Heel Strike Causes Tibia Bone Fracture

Tibial Impact: Forefoot Strike vs Heel Strike

Past studies that measured and compared repetitive impact shocks in heel strike and forefoot strike runners have found:

  • heel strike runners produced a higher magnitude of ground-reaction force, higher tibial peak acceleration and higher loading
  • heel strike runners landed with a heavier foot strike which exacerbated collision forces

It now appears that over-striding coupled with long ground-contact time increases torque on cartilage and other connective tissues involved in stabilizing the leg, influencing tibia bone fracture during heel strike running.

How Forefoot Running Prevents Tibia Bone Fracture

Forefoot Running Reduces Shin Bone Fractures

Using the forefoot running technique to prevent tibia bone fracture in runners is not a far-fetched idea.  This treatment strategy derives from the realization that forefoot running reduces the inflow of loading and impact on the tibia.

Give forefoot running’s role in reducing impact, many experts are quick to point out additional health benefits of forefoot running, such as reduced intramuscular leg pressures, thereby reducing the risk of tibia bone fracture, also.

More From Run Forefoot:

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Run Right with a Forefoot Strike !


Barr, AE and Barbe MF. Pathophysiological tissue changes associated with repetitive movement: a review of the evidence. Phys Ther (2002); 82(2):173-87.

Dickinson, JA., Cook, SD and Leinhardt, TM. The measurement of shock waves following heel strike while running. J Biomech (1985); 18(6):415-22.

Kerrigan et al. The effect of running shoes on lower extremity joint torques. PM R (2009); 1(12):1058-63.

Loli, JP. What about bunions. Harvard Women’s Health Watch Newsletter ( 2011) June.

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  1. Does Heel Striking Cause Injury to the Shin? YES! – RUN FOREFOOT

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