There is something about forefoot running that results in less body stress and that something, in part is knee flexion. Unlike heel strike running, forefoot running reduces muscle loading because it typically involves greater knee flexion at touchdown.
Less Body Stress with Forefoot Running
Landing on the forefoot with greater knee flexion reduces vertical impact forces [1]. This suggests that forefoot running is a positive intervention on running biomechanics than heel striking –a running style that produces higher vertical impact forces.
- In forefooot running, after forefoot contact, the heel is brought down to the ground to initiate stance where the downward movement of the thigh and upper body forces the knee into flexion [1]. This is what softens the blow at contact and protects the leg.
Why Heel Striking is Worse
The reverse occurs when heel striking (increased knee extension and decreased knee flexion time at touchdown) which results in less shock absorption and an affinity for greater loading and tension on the muscles and tendons.
Another factor of heel striking that adds to vertical impact forces is high vertical oscillation. Heel strike runners tend to run with a higher ‘bounce’, or higher jumping height than forefoot runners. Previous studies have shown that increased knee extension coupled with jumping height at touchdown [2], resulted in higher vertical impact forces, creating challenging circumstances for injury prevention during heel striking.
The Take Home Message
A low vertical impact force is one reason many runners have been able to adjust smoothly to forefoot running because the muscles and joints are less sensitive to injury.
Since footwear influences foot strike competence, you need to understand that certain footwear causes a runner to heel strike, whereas other forms of footwear encourages a runner to avoid heel strike by landing on the forefoot. Click here to read more about the proper footwear for forefoot running.
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[1]. Dufek J and Bates BT. The evaluation and prediction of impact forces during landing. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1990; 22(2):370-377.
[2]. Stacoff et al. Impact in landing after a volleyball block. In: Biomechanics XI, G. de Groot, A. Hollander, P. Huijing, and G van Ingen Schenau (Eds). Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1988, pp. 694-700.
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