Running Tips for New Forefoot Strikers

Before beginning your forefoot running journey, first and foremost I think it’s very important to highlight certain elements you should avoid when learning forefoot running in efforts to keep you out of harms way!  Some of these may come as a surprise, but it’s vital to avoid the following when learning to develop the proper forefoot running technique.

Running Tips for New Forefoot Runners
One thing that’s for certain is running barefoot is one of the most advisable strategies that helps guide your forefoot strike into safer a position that’s close to the body and light-interacting with the ground. In this way, there really is no substitute to running barefoot for producing results that matter in helping you undo bad mechanical habits from running in traditional running shoes. This is why, in my opinion, it’s always better to begin with barefoot running when learning the proper forefoot running technique and to increase your own control of stronger balance security and better posture.

To help you learn forefoot running more effectively and quickly, here are  the ‘DON’T’s’ of learning forefoot running to stop you from weakening your chances of avoiding injury.

The DON’Ts of Learning Forefoot Running:

Footwear DON’Ts of Forefoot Running:

Therapeutic DON’Ts if You Experience Pain or Suffer an Injury:

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