Many assume running without shoes on pavement will cause major injuries because its assumed that the only way a runner can reduce impact on harder surfaces is with thicker cushioned running shoes. This has turned out to be factually false because to date, no research has been able to prove that the thicker the underfoot cushioning, the more impact will be absorbed. Sadly, the research (references below article) actually shows that the thicker your underfoot cushioning, the harder your foot hits the ground, causing a greater downward force and push-off force of the foot. The case is the complete opposite when you run barefoot on harder surfaces.

Why Running Without Shoes on Pavement is More than Safe
What has gone under-appreciated is the understanding of that most barefoot runners use a forefoot strike landing (click here to see what a proper forefoot strike looks like) whereby the kinematics and mechanics of this landing pattern enables a barefoot runner to run safely on ANY surface, even the most hard surface without generating more impact than anticipated.
Habitually barefoot runners who land on their forefoot do not generate an impact transient force [1], allowing them to run safe on hard, unnatural surfaces. Landing this way is much safer than landing with a heel strike because a heel strike landing generates a distinct impact transient (burst of high impact) in the vertical ground reaction force, which projects more loading on the body [2].
In addition to the impact transient, an intense and prolong braking force is also generated at heel strike and becomes greater as the speed of running increases. This is why running with a heel strike is more dangerous than running with a forefoot strike.
Because the impact transient is eliminated, regardless of surface hardness, in a forefoot strike landing, forefoot runners are able to resist injury when running without shoes. Further, Dr. Daniel Lieberman and his colleagues found that other forms of impact did not differ with various surface hardnesses, such as a pavement, or a steel plate in habitually barefoot runners who naturally landed on their forefoot.

In other words, running barefoot with a forefoot strike on hard, unnatural surfaces did not increase impact –as once previously assumed, and therefore, running barefoot –if a proper forefoot strike is maintained –on the roads is considered just as safe as if you were running barefoot on softer surfaces, like grass, the beach or a matted surface!
Need more convincing that running barefoot does way more good than harm? Here’s are all the evidence-backed reasons running barefoot does more than keep your feet strong, it actually trains your brain to run safer in shoes!
[1]. Lieberman et al. (2009). Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature 463, 531-35.
[2]. Samaan, CD., Rainbow, MJ and Davis, IS. (2014). Reduction in ground reaction force variables with instructed barefoot running. J Sport & Health Sci 3, 143-151.
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Wilding Shoes:
Thanks a lot for the interesting information not only in this piece but in general too!
I had an ACL reconstruction surgery and my knee would swell when running for more than 10 minutes. I bought highly cushioned running shoes but they didn’t solve the problem. I figured out that I need to use my ankles and lower legs to cushion the shock during running. After going to forefoot running I have no knee swelling. I also shortened my stride and increased cadence, changed posture, etc.
However I am not sure I would go for minimalist shoes as I believe I need all the cushioning I can get. In addition to the ACL reconstruction, a big part of my meniscus was removed. I have early stages of arthrosis because of damage to the cartilage prior to the operation.
I realise that the cushioned shoes might not be helping but the set-up of improved technique and max cushioned shoes works for now and I am afraid of changeing. In any case technique is definitely more important than cushioned shoes.
So I wonder if studies indicate effects from barefoot running for people with joint problems. Of course, cushioned shoes advantages (if existing) would be difficult to isolate from proper running technique benefits.
Enjoy running and good luck!